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Why Don't People Like To Seek Help? 为什么人们不太愿意求助呢?

Writer's picture: David TsuiDavid Tsui

Why Don't People Like To Seek HELP?




  1. 婚姻关系恶化

  2. 业务下滑

  3. 与子女沟通障碍

  4. 同事之间明争暗斗

  5. 生活与工作无法平衡

  6. 性取向疑惑

  7. 拖延症状

  8. 感觉生活不对劲

  9. 对未来感到恐惧

  10. 遇到难缠的甲方等等


也许你们需要反过来评估一下不求助的代价(Cost Of Inaction - COI),而不仅仅关注求助后的回报(Return On Investment - ROI)。以以上的10个案例为例,不采取行动可能会带来什么代价?

  1. 长期受困于婚姻问题,影响日常生活和工作。

  2. 无法适应新市场,一直在原地打转。

  3. 家庭压力对情绪产生持久影响。

  4. 员工士气低落,绩效受到拖累。

  5. 长期感到精疲力竭,无法专注处理重要事务。

  6. 长期受困于情绪问题,无法摆脱困境。

  7. 重要的决议一拖再拖,一直无法实施。

  8. 每天早上都不愿意起床上班,身体感觉沉重。

  9. 业务长期陷入僵局,失去了前进的方向。

  10. 项目无法得到批准,可能面临合同终止。



  1. 受助者愿意做出改变。

  2. 受助者相信帮助者能够提供帮助。

  3. 受助者愿意采取行动。




When was the last time you reached out for help? If it's been a while, chances are you rarely do. People are accustomed to seeking help or calling for assistance only when they are in a critical situation and have no other choice. But even then, they often hesitate, don't they?

In the following scenarios, would you seek help from others?

  1. Deteriorating marriage relationship

  2. Declining business performance

  3. Communication difficulties with children

  4. Office politics and conflicts among colleagues

  5. Inability to balance work and personal life

  6. Confusion about sexual orientation

  7. Procrastination symptoms

  8. Feeling that something is not right in life

  9. Fear and uncertainty about the future

  10. Dealing with a difficult client, and so on.

When I worked as a counselor, I often reminded my clients to make good use of social resources, such as social workers, counselors, suicide prevention hotlines, or coaches who can provide assistance. Don't you have access to these resources? Are you afraid of being criticized? Being seen as weak? Damaging your reputation? Being labeled as a mentally ill patient? Do you believe that you have the ability to handle everything on your own? Do you think that all helpers are just out to take your money? Are you lacking the courage to ask friends for recommendations? Or do you believe that things will get better on their own? Do you trust that fate will take care of everything? Or do you think you can find answers through social media videos?

Perhaps it's time to evaluate the cost of not seeking help (Cost Of Inaction - COI) rather than just focusing on the potential benefits of seeking help (Return On Investment - ROI). Let's take the above 10 scenarios as examples, what could be the costs of inaction?

  1. Continuously struggling in a troubled marriage, affecting daily life and work.

  2. Unable to adapt old work methods to a changing market, going in circles for years.

  3. Family stress affecting emotions and well-being.

  4. Low employee morale, impacting performance.

  5. Constantly feeling mentally and physically exhausted, unable to focus on important matters.

  6. Long-term emotional distress without an outlet.

  7. Important projects continuously delayed, unable to implement them.

  8. Reluctance to get out of bed in the morning, feeling heavier than a rock.

  9. Stagnation in business with no clear direction for progress.

  10. Projects unable to gain approval, facing the possibility of contract termination.

According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), the investment in coaching yields returns of at least six times the cost, both directly and indirectly. Time is also money, so why spend half a year agonizing over something that a half an hour coaching session can clarify?

It's important to note that successful helping relationships require three conditions, in addition to the chemistry between the two individuals involved. Even if a higher power is willing to intervene, you need to be the one with the connection. Of course, professional helping skills are equally important.

  1. The person seeking help must be willing to change.

  2. The person seeking help must believe that the helper can provide assistance.

  3. The person seeking help must be willing to take action.

Change takes time. If someone guarantees you a tenfold increase in profit after just one week or promises to increase your social media traffic by a hundredfold, be cautious!

Individuals seeking help can start building a network of professional helpers as a resource for when they are in need. Why professionals? Because the "helping industry" is a specialized field that requires specific skills to assist those in need. Sometimes, even a ten-minute phone call can solve your immediate problem and help you move forward.

Are you ready?



David Tsui | 徐敏聪

Business & Creativity Coach+Consultant


Coaching Brilliant Design Leaders That

Make A High Impact.

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