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Writer's picture: David TsuiDavid Tsui

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

What Is Design Spirit?


Today, during a hot-seated group coaching session, we delved into a term that is often used but rarely understood: "spirit". People have a spirit, and designers breathe life into their creations by giving them a spirit. When I asked about the meaning of "spirit", their faces showed surprise, as if to say, "Isn't a spirit just a spirit? Why do we need an explanation?"

After everyone attempted to answer the question, we started to form a rough understanding of the concept. The spirit is a person's essence, giving them vitality, personality, characteristics, meaning, intangible essence, and defining their mortality upon leaving the physical body .....

"Designs must have a spirit" has become a mantra for many designers. Just as we are given a spirit by a higher power, designers must give their creations a spirit, a reason for their existence, and emotions that can move the user and enhance their experience.

A design's spirit is its concept, just as a person has only one spirit. Multiple concepts in a design can confuse the user, leaving them uncertain about what message the design is trying to convey. Designers can learn from the creation of the universe, first generating a space filled with information, and then transforming it into all things without chaos. Giving a design a spirit is not just about its outward appearance, but also its inner meaning.

In the design process, there are many vague terms, such as qi(air), idea, context, and vision. Without a deliberate effort to understand them, good design can be hindered.

Having the courage to confront, comprehend, and manage chaos is an essential step towards good design, and it's one of my roles as their coach to guide them through it with gusto.




人有灵魂,而一个设计的灵魂就是设计的概念。概念只有一个,如同灵魂一样。多过一个概念的设计令使用者感觉迷惑 - 究竟这个设计要传达什么信息给他们呢?设计师可向上天的创造学习,先生成充满信息的宇宙,继而幻化万物而不乱。为设计赋予灵魂不单是给它们外表的象征,还有它们内里的意义。



Love. David



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