
停止批判。心理学家荣格曾说: "思考是困难的,这就是为什么大多数人选择评判。"停止批评后,智慧才会生,创作力才会涌现。停止批评是一件不容易的事,为什么?因为人们都受到过去经验的缠绕,还有对未来的忧虑,往往会习惯性和情绪性地批判他人。然而,批判就成为人们的”藏身之所“和“舒适区”,提供不用改变,不用冒险的理由。批判并不会暴露问题的核心,反而掩盖了创作力的浮现。
In the face of a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) future, besides the standard answers found in books, such as adaptability, leadership, collaboration and communication skills, emotional intelligence, continuous learning, and technological innovation, there are eight additional abilities I have:
Knowing how to seek assistance. Professional helpers are experts who have received specialized training and certification, and their expertise is not directly related to their life and work experience. In other words, excellent designers may not necessarily be excellent helpers, although they can be excellent mentors. It is important to know how to make use of social resources, seek assistance when feeling helpless, lost, or stuck, and break through one's blind spots to enhance value.
Cultivating a service mindset. With the development of intelligent devices, human relationships have become somewhat impersonal. While some argue that a service mindset is innate, I believe it can be nurtured and optimized through deliberate efforts. To leave a positive impression on clients, one needs to stop being critical, practice selfless empathy, be sincere and honest, actively listen, and display curiosity about matters. This will make them think, "This designer truly understands me!"
Group debate. Traditional brainstorming has evolved. In addition to a core group based on trust and mutual assistance, teams also need the ability to provide data to argue for their own ideas in real-time debates. Under the foundation of trust and with the guidance of an leader with integrity, debates will not lead to disputes but instead make the brainstorming process more efficient and help overcome individual blind spots for personal growth.
Enhancing aura. There was once a psychological experiment that tested how quickly interviewers formed impressions of interviewees. It was found that interviewers could decide whether to hire someone in less than half a second, during a brief moment of eye contact. This judgment was not based on appearance or height but on the person's aura. The Chinese meaning of the word "lucky" means circulating of air inside the body. Physical exercise, mindfulness, exposure to sunlight, self-awareness, breathing exercises, and cultivating a virtuous mind are all foundations for enhancing luckiness. It's not about how strong your abilities are or how tall and handsome you are.
Presenting and speaking. The "warmth" in a designer's design comes from the designer themselves, as well as the warmth conveyed during their presentations. Clients and users can feel the designer's warmth, making their designs stand out in the market and be loved by people. This is something that artificial intelligence cannot replace in a short period of time and requires careful contemplation and practice.
Stopping criticism. Psychologist Carl Jung once said, "Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge." Wisdom and creativity can only emerge when criticism stops. However, stopping criticism is not an easy task. Why? Because people are entangled by past experiences and worries about the future, often resorting to habitual and emotional criticism of others. Criticism becomes a "hiding place" and a "comfort zone" that provides reasons to avoid change and risk. Criticism does not expose the core of problems; instead, it hinders the emergence of creativity.
Source of motivation. What are you striving for? What keeps you awake and working tirelessly? What are your dreams? Money serves as the second objective, the result of serving clients. But why do you serve your clients as the primary objective? What is your motive for service? Does it bring satisfaction to your clients? And what does your satisfaction bring you? Having a clear driving force allows your eyes and words to reflect your goals clearly. If you are driving a car without a destination, what would you think? It might feel relaxing, but only because you know the destination is home. Take some time to think about it.
Resilience in adversity. This refers to the ability to handle setbacks or difficulties, including tolerance and resilience in the face of adversity. In the future, with numerous challenges, creativity cannot flourish without adversity. Without adversity, past mistakes and unhealthy habits will repeat, and your potential will be limited. The higher your intelligence, the shorter the time it takes to bounce back from adversity. If you consider resilience in adversity as a muscle in your body, it needs diverse training to become tough.
If you are already a marathon runner, a long and arduous journey will not hinder your path. If you are still a beginner, it is indeed necessary to seek the assistance of thought partners to master the various standard and non-standard requirements. Just as a beginner in tennis needs a coach to accelerate their learning progress, understand correct posture, identify blind spots, and experience endless enjoyment. Can you comprehend this relationship?
So why not apply this mindset to your approach and methods for dealing with the future?

David Tsui | 徐敏聪
Business & Creativity Coach+Consultant
Coaching Brilliant Design Leaders That
Make A High Impact.