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What are the "soft and hard" elements required for good design? 好设计所需的"软硬"要素是什么?

Writer's picture: David TsuiDavid Tsui

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

What are the "Hard & Soft" elements required for good design? 好设计所需的“软硬”要素是什么?


  1. 设计的产品是有形的,但设计服务是无形的。一阴一阳是为道。硬的事物需要以软的方式管理,反之亦然。这意味着什么?哲学将概念分解,设计将思想融合。辅导和心理咨询的软技能能够揭示市场和客户真正的需求,然后通过工管和设计来实现,以此类推。

  2. 设计技术仅占公司领导能力的20%,剩下的80%取决于对人的技能组合。设计教育不教授同理心、积极倾听、激励和领导力等软技能。大学教授告诉我,这是因为软技能很难以结果来衡量。作为教练和心理咨询师,这部分工作留给了我来相互补充。当公司提拔设计师到领导职位时,如果没有充分的培训,团队内部的问题就会浮现。

  3. 哲学教师曾说过,只要你知道如何问“为什么”,就不需要再学习哲学了。持续不断地询问“为什么”挑战着人们根深蒂固的价值观和固定观念。为什么一个人不能有四只眼睛?为什么艺术品总是要挂在墙上?为什么CEO总是要在早上5点起床?不断地提问...这已经成为一种习惯。你知道吗?当思维被激发时,创造力经常会发生。

  4. 出色的设计不仅仅来自于分析。当你做足了市场调研、功能分析,并理解客户的愿景之后,放松一下,突然间灵感就会迸发出来。你有过这样的经历吗?1882年,特斯拉在散步时构思出了无刷交流电动机的想法,爱因斯坦的重要思想经常在休息和听音乐时涌现。

  5. 培养设计的灵魂,处理团队冲突,建立客户关系,与同事合作,引导头脑风暴会议,展示个人诚信等,都是良好设计的基础。但为什么很多人忽视了这些呢?心理学家卡尔·荣格指出,人们害怕面对自己,了解自己,因此尝试各种途径来逃避。你知道吗?学习软技能不像学习计算机软件那样直接,它始于了解自己并认识自己的脆弱之处。我曾接受过十多个心理咨询师及教练的辅导,令我多次哭不成声。我至今仍然有被教练辅导的需要。



In this world, everything is interconnected, and there are no coincidences. I have dedicated over 30 years of my life to studying design, philosophy, business management, counseling, and coaching. Allow me to share with you what I have gained and the insights they have brought me:

  1. Design products are tangible, but design services are intangible. Yin and yang coexist and complement each other. Hard things need to be managed in a soft way, and vice versa. What does this mean? Philosophy breaks down concepts, while design integrates ideas. The soft skills of coaching and counseling can uncover the true needs of the market and clients, which can then be realized through business management and design, and so on.

  2. Design skills only account for 20% of a company's leadership abilities, while the remaining 80% depends on the individual's soft skill set with people. Design education doesn't teach empathy, active listening, motivation, and leadership, among other soft skills. University professors have told me that this is because soft skills are difficult to measure in terms of results. As a coach and counselor, this part of the work is left to me to complement. When companies promote designers to leadership positions without sufficient training, internal team issues tend to arise.

  3. A philosophy teacher once said, as long as you know how to ask "why," you don't need to study philosophy anymore. Continually questioning "why" challenges people's deep-rooted values and fixed ideas. Why can't a person have four eyes? Why do artworks always have to be hung on walls? Why do CEOs always have to wake up at 5 AM? Constantly asking... it has become a habit. You know what? When thinking is stimulated, creativity often happens.

  4. Great design doesn't solely come from analysis. When you have done thorough market research, functional analysis, and understand the client's vision, relax a bit, and suddenly inspiration will burst forth. Have you ever experienced this? In 1882, Tesla conceived the idea of the brushless AC motor while taking a walk, and Einstein's important thoughts often emerged during rest and listening to music.

  5. Nurturing the soul of design, handling team conflicts, building client relationships, collaborating with colleagues, facilitating brainstorming sessions, demonstrating personal integrity, and so on are all foundations of good design. But why do many people overlook these aspects? Psychologist Carl Jung pointed out that people are afraid to face themselves, to know themselves, and therefore try various ways to escape. You know what? Learning soft skills is not as direct as learning computer software; it starts with understanding oneself and recognizing one's vulnerabilities. I have received guidance from over ten counselors and coaches, which has often brought me to tears. I still have the need for coaching to this day.

Whether soft learning helps with hard learning, or vice versa, is not important. The ultimate goal of a designer should not be limited to creating good designs. If you can broaden your perspective, you need to become a good person first. So, what is a good person?

Can you tell me?



David Tsui | 徐敏聪

Business & Creativity Coach+Consultant


Coaching Brilliant Design Leaders That

Make A High Impact.



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