The "Servant Leader" Within
As humans, we have pride, emotions, ego, and superego - all of which influence every decision we make, from our thoughts to our actions. But who is really in charge of our decision-making process, and whose voice should we listen to?
My counselling teacher once told me to let them all speak, to have a meeting in my mind, where each participant has a voice, but in the end, I make the final decision and take full responsibility for it.
But then the question arises, who is this decision-maker? It's the inner servant leader, elected by all the participants in my mind. He's not just an honest person, but also a creative thinker, a skilled negotiator, an empathetic listener, and a supporter. He takes full responsibility and is accountable.
It's a team inside me, working towards my dreams. My teacher reminded me to always remember that each member of the team is looking out for my best interest, even if they have different opinions. Don't reject them, but also don't blindly follow them.
After graduating, I worked for a local design company owned by a famous designer. His presentations were more famous than his designs, full of comedy and visual effects. I was lucky enough to peek into one of his presentations through a small gap in the door. He confidently presented his design to clients while moving around the table. Suddenly, he blew up and yelled at some clients on the table. But within five seconds, he regained his composure and continued his presentation. After the meeting, an older colleague told me that he uses emotions to control the situation to achieve his goals. In other words, his sudden outburst was planned and controllable. Those five minutes of observation taught me a lot.
As an inner servant leader, he can also consult with team members and use their expertise to accomplish tasks, without losing control and yelling.
Our body is a complex biological machine, but there is no manual to teach us how to use it properly. We need to explore, learn, experiment, and persist day after day to understand even a tiny bit of it.
Love. David