Sense Of Abundance 丰盛感
This week, I volunteered as a judge at a sports event for people with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. It was a weekday, with scorching heat and a temperature of 34 degrees Celsius, but the athletes had no complaints and gave it their all. My job was to catch the first-place finisher in the 100-meter dash and take them to the registration area, although my skin peeled partially from the sunburn. It was my first time being in such close contact with them for 9 hours, and I had several special experiences:
They were full of competitiveness. Whether they lost their shoes or fell to the ground, they still stood up, stood up and stood up to complete the race.
i learned that they needed a tangible and wider range of psychological safety.
Most of them smiled brightly and enjoyed themselves.
They didn't have the tense facial expression of most city people. Everything was natural and from the heart.
The sports event was like a well-made movie, full of drama, but it was real.
The applause for the athlete who finished last was louder than for the first-place finisher.
I have 200% respect to their parents who ran with them to the finish line.
Putting aside my work, experiencing how to build a different range of psychological safety, feeling the relaxed and carefree smiles of non-city people, and fragmented and dramatic and authentic movie scenes all filled a "curiosity hole" in my inner self. To this day, I still feel a sense of "abundance" in myself.
With this feeling, I will move on to the next stop.
Love. David