Peter Drucker once famously said, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." That is to say, if the implementation of a strategy is not based on a solid cultural foundation, it will be difficult to sustain. It should be noted that strategy and culture are intertwined.
According to PwC's 26th annual survey of 4,410 CEOs worldwide, the top business challenge facing CEOs in 2022 is technology and digitalization, which accounts for 22.7%, followed by 15.4% for human capital and team culture.
When every company tries to improve its corporate culture through various means, such as team training, team-building activities, cultural testing, increasing interactive facilities, and executive coaching, if corporate leaders still do not lead by example, lack integrity, have opaque information, and have accountability systems that are not based on love and care, then all these cultural activities are just like a vase of flowers on a desk, used only for decoration.
Think of the cultural architecture as an inverted pyramid, with the sharp corner at the bottom being the company's leaders or board members. They are the support of the entire culture, and their behavior, thinking, and mentality greatly influence the formation of the culture. Culture is not something that can be formed in one or two days. It requires accumulation and precipitation day by day, year by year, to become the company's behavior, values and thinking patterns.
If the establishment of culture does not receive the joint support and leadership of the company's top management, and they do not lead by example, continuously invest, and only act like spectators watching a football match, clapping and encouraging from the sidelines is not enough. Would a player consider the audience as part of their team? No, they wouldn't.
A good corporate culture is one that every individual within the company is not conscious of its existence, but can feel it from everyone in the company, even the janitor or the company's driver.
The worst thing is that some leaders, in order to avoid the influence of culture, simply follow orders like a soulless shell. They comply with the company's activities, but behind the scenes, they spread negative information to their subordinates. This is like a bomb in the company that can explode at any time. The result is that culture change becomes a cultural revolution. Under high ethical standards, some people will take this opportunity to complain employees who have not met the standards. The leaders of the company must remove them as soon as possible.
Of course, they have the right to leave the company and choose a more suitable living environment for themselves. Just like how you don't like to immigrate to Canada, you can choose Singapore instead.
彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)曾经说过:“文化能把战略当早餐吃掉。” 这意味着,如果策略的实施没有建立在稳固的文化基础上,就难以持久。需要知道的是,战略和文化是相互融合的。
Love. David