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Writer's picture: David TsuiDavid Tsui



I remember when I was younger, there was always a process of selecting class representatives in school. Even after graduating and entering the workforce, extracurricular activities would involve choosing representatives to assist teachers in managing communication among classmates and implementing school measures. From my recollection, the majority of class representatives were elected, recognized leaders. Have you noticed this too? Based on my observations, they all shared some common characteristics. These traits were not just evident after their election, but had always been present. They were not pretentious. So, what exactly did they demonstrate in the classroom?

  1. They exhibited a higher level of maturity compared to their peers, both in behavior and speech.

  2. Generally, they were not excessively talkative and spoke clearly and confidently.

  3. They did not have an annoying sense of self-importance.

  4. They willingly and naturally helped others, becoming role models.

  5. They walked with stability, especially in their head movements, maintaining a poised balance.

  6. They refrained from engaging in unethical behavior and displayed integrity.

  7. When faced with difficulties, they remained calm, composed, and maintained a positive outlook.

  8. They did not show favoritism towards any particular group in the classroom; everyone felt empowered by them.

  9. Their academic grades and athletic performance were not necessarily outstanding.

  10. They were willing to listen and engage in conversations with others.

  11. They did not rush to be the first when there were benefits involved.

  12. They considered others' feelings and were willing to sacrifice their own opportunities for others.

  13. They were willing to do tasks that others were unwilling to do.

  14. They offered valuable suggestions and ideas.

  15. Others unconsciously felt inclined to follow them. Being with them provided a sense of safety and trust.

  16. They possessed a captivating aura and charisma that attracted others, regardless of gender.

  17. They could perceive qualities in others that even others were not aware of, unconsciously empowering those around them.

Have I listed many of their characteristics? Not really, because there are likely more. Their abilities and charisma were not pretenses; they naturally exuded these qualities.

Were these traits developed through training? Were they the result of a good upbringing? Were they born gifted with intelligence? From my interactions with them, none of these explanations were entirely accurate. This is because their siblings did not necessarily exhibit the same leadership qualities, and their academic and overall performance were not always superior.

While there are differing opinions on whether leaders are born or made, let's represent those born with "1" and those not born with leadership qualities with "0". Similarly, those who are trained represent "1*" and those not trained represent "0*". Then:

  1. 1+1*>2

  2. 0+1*<1

  3. 1+0*>1

  4. 0+0*=0

In my conclusion, I believe that having natural leadership ability is a prerequisite for becoming a successful leader. Those who are not born with it need to overcome more obstacles and exert more effort. After all, changing one's aura is not achieved solely by learning leadership skills. It requires a change in mindset, continuous practice, and a complete transformation from the inside out.

So, are leaders born? To a great extent, yes. More than 30% as per statistical analysis.


  1. 比同龄同学更加成熟,包括举止和谈吐

  2. 一般不多言,没有莽撞的言辞,说话清晰而响亮

  3. 他们没有让人讨厌的自我表现

  4. 能够主动协助他人,成为别人的楷模

  5. 行走时稳定,特别是头部保持平衡

  6. 不从事不道德的行为,表现出诚信

  7. 面对困难时能保持冷静从容,保持积极态度

  8. 不偏袒教室中的任何群体,任何人都会感受到他们的鼓舞力量

  9. 他们的学习成绩和运动表现并不是最出色的

  10. 他们愿意倾听和与他人对话

  11. 在有利益时不争先恐后

  12. 考虑他人的感受,情愿放弃自己的机会给予别人

  13. 愿意做他人不愿意做的事情

  14. 能够提出好的建议

  15. 他们无意识地引领他人,与他们在一起会感到安全和信任

  16. 他们都具备一种吸引人的魅力和气场,无论性别,人们都愿意接近他们

  17. 他们能够察觉到别人未意识到的优点,并以无意识的方式激励他人。




  1. 1+1*>2

  2. 0+1*<1

  3. 1+0*>1

  4. 0+0*=0



Love. David



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