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I am accustomed to using visuals to document my thoughts, which can be even more impactful than words. I will condense the documents of my presentations, workshops, and training sessions to unlock more possibilities within you. Feel free to download and share!

The Path to Design Business Mastery
In the face of a vibrant future, how can designers and design companies integrate resources, enhance competitiveness, and improve performance? David has recently completed his business mastery coaching workshop and condensed the 400-page PPT into a thought-provoking PDF, aiming to open up new avenues of thinking for you. Focus on the present and envision the future. Feel free to download it for free.

99 FAQ & Answers
This is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) compiled by DT, featuring 99 common design questions he has frequently encountered. This FAQ is specifically designed for curious and open-minded designers.
Now, he shares his simple and thought-provoking answers with all of you.
Please feel free to download it.

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